Bienvenue à la section Géotechnique et géoenvironnement


Alexandre Cabral, ing., Ph.D.
Professeur titulaire

Liste des publications

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 Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture

(Caractères gras = étudiant; § = Partenaire industriel; # = Collègue d’une autre université)

1.     Franqueto, R., Cabral, A.R., Capanema, M.A. and Schirmer, W.N. # (2019). Fugitive methane emissions from two experimental biocovers constructed with tropical residual soils: field study using a large flux chamber. Detritus, 7: 119-127.

2.     Demers Bonin, M., Cabral, A.R. and Nuth, M.# (2018). Examination of the effects of solids content on thickened gold mine tailings sedimentation and self-weight consolidation. Geotechnical Testing J, ASTM, 42(6): 1493-1517.

  1. Barbosa, F.J.L., Cabral, A.R., Capanema, M.A. # and Schirmer, W.N. # (2018). Biogas Generation Potential of Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Wastes and Livestock Manures. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 44(3): 248-258.
  2. Fedrizzi, F., Cabana, H.#, Ndanga, É.M., and Cabral, A.R. (2018). Biofiltration of methane from cow barns: effects of climatic conditions and packing bed media acclimatization. Waste Management, 78: 669-676.
  3. Obersky, L.; Rafiee, R., Cabral, A.R.; Golding, S.D. and Clarke, W.P.#. (2018). Methodology to determine the extent of anaerobic digestion, composting and CH4 oxidation in a landfill environment. Waste Management, 76: 364-373.

6.     Ahoughalandari, B., Cabral, A.R. and Leroueil, S.# (2018). Design of Passive Methane Oxidation Biosystems: Considerations about Compaction and Hydraulic Characteristics on Biogas Migration. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering J., 36(4): 2593-2609.

  1. Schirmer, W.N., Bianek, J., Cabral, A.R., Mayer, C.L.D., Eurich, P.H.M., Martins, E.H. (2018). Comparação entre metodologias USEPA e IPCC para estimativa teórica de produção de biogás em aterro municipal. BIOFIX Scientific Journal v. 3 n. 1 p. 34-40; DOI: 10.5380/biofix.v3i1.56038. 
  2. Ahoughalandari, B. and Cabral, A.R. (2017). Landfill gas Distribution at the Base of Passive Methane Oxidation Biosystems: Transient State Analysis of Several Configurations. Waste Management, 69: 298-314.
  3. Ahoughalandari, B. and Cabral, A.R. (2017). Influence of capillary barrier effect on biogas distribution at the base of passive methane oxidation biosystems: Parametric study. Waste Mangement, 63: 172-187.
  4. Follmann, H. D. M.; Schirmer, W. N. #; Cabral, A.R.; Dourado, D. C.; Stroparo, E. C. Crovador, M.I.C. (2017). Avaliação de parâmetros físico-químicos na degradação de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos de diferentes idades e sua relação com a geração de biogás. ESPACIOS. 38: 9-17.
  5. Lagos, D.A., Héroux, M.#, Gosselin, R.# and Cabral, A.R. (2017). Optimization of a landfill gas collection shutdown based on an adapted first-order decay model. Waste Management, 63: 238-245.
  6. Crovador, M.I.C., Schirmer, W.N.# and Cabral, A.R. (2016). Energy generation from municipal solid waste and the current scenario of biogas recovery in Brazil. Revista CIATEC – UPF, vol.8 (1), 1-11, 2016.
  7. Schirmer, W.N.#, Barbosa, F.J.L., Cabral, A.R., Crovador, M.I.C., Capanema, M.A. # (2016). Biogas generation from anaerobic codigestion of municipal solid waste with swine manure. (In Portuguese). Revista Ciência & Tecnologia; Fatec-JB, Jaboticabal, v. 8, 2016. Suplemento.
  8. Schirmer, W.N.#, Barbosa, F.J.L., Cabral, A.R., Capanema, M.A. # (2016). Biogas generation potential by the analysis of the physical-chemical parameters of municipal solid waste co-digested with swine manure (In Portuguese). Revista Ciência & Tecnologia; Fatec-JB, Jaboticabal, v. 8, 2016. Suplemento.
  9. Schirmer, W.N.#, Crovador, M.I.C., Martins, K.G., Franqueto, R., Cabral, A.R. et Capanema, M.A.# (2016). Análise por componentes principais para o volume de biogás gerado em aterro sanitário e a correlação com variáveis físico-químicas. Revista Gestão e Sust. Ambiental, Florianópolis, v. 5, (out.2016/mar. 2017), n. 2, p. 149-164.
  10. Ndanga, É., Lopera, C., Bradley, R. L. # and Cabral, A.R. (2016). Effects of Preconditioning the Rhizosphere of Different Plant Species on Biotic Methane Oxidation Kinetics. Waste Management, 55: 313-320. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2016.04.035.
  11. Lakhouit, A., Cabral, A.R. and Cabana, H. (2016). Two novel biofilters to remove volatile organic compounds emitted by landfill sites. Water Air and Soil Poll. 227(4) – 113.
  12. Schirmer, W.N. #, Gauer, M.A., Tomaz, E., Rodrigues, P.R.P., de Souza, S.N.M., Chaves, L.I., Villetti, L., Olanyk, L.Z. and Cabral, A.R. (2016). Power generation and gaseous emissions performance of an internal combustion engine fed with blends of soybean and beef tallow biodiesel. Environmental Technology, 37 (12): 1480-1489. DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2015.1119202.
  13. Lacroix Vachon, B., Abdolahzadeh, A.M. and Cabral, A.R. (2015). Predicting the diversion length of capillary barriers using steady state and transient state numerical modeling: Case study of the Saint-Tite-des-Caps landfill final cover. Canadian Geotech. J. 52: 2141–2148 (2015)
  14. Leroueil, S. #, Hight, D.W. and Cabral, A.R. (2015). Practical implications of gas-water interactions in soils. Keynote lecture. In XV Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech. and Geotech. Eng. Edited by A.O. Sfriso. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15-18 Nov. 2015.
  15. Ndanga, É.N., Bradley, R.L. # and Cabral, A.R. (2015). Does Vegetation Affect the Methane Oxidation Efficiency of Passive Biosystems? Waste Management, 38: 240-249. 10.1016/j.wasman.2015.01.031
  16. Demers Bonin, M., Nuth, M., Dagenais#, A-M. and Cabral, A.R. (2014). Experimental study and numerical reproduction of self-weight consolidation  behavior of thickened tailings. J. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE 140(12): 04014068-1 to 10.

23.  Kjeld, A., Cabral, A.R., Gústafsson, L.E., Andradóttir, H.Ó., Bjarnadóttir, H.J. (2014). Microbial Methane Oxidation at the Fíflholt landfill in Iceland. Verktækni - Journal of the Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland and The Icelandic Society of Engineers. Volume 20 (1): 31-36. On line (

24.  Capanema, M.A., Cabana, H. and Cabral, A.R. (2014). Reduction of odours in pilot-scale landfill biocovers. Waste Management, 34: 770–779.

25.  Lakhouit, A., Schirmer, W.N., Johnson, T.R., Cabana, H. and Cabral, A.R. (2014). Evaluation of the efficiency of an experimental biocover to reduce BTEX emissions from landfill biogas. Chemosphere, 97, 98-101.

26.  Capanema, M.A. and Cabral, A.R. (2012). Evaluating Methane Oxidation Efficiencies in Experimental Landfill Biocovers by Mass Balance and Carbon Stable Isotopes. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 223 (9): 5623-5635.

27.  Jugnia, L-B. #, Mottiar, Y., Djuikom, E., Cabral, A.R., and Greer, C.W. (2012). Effect of compost, nitrogen salts and NPK fertilizers on methane oxidation potential at different temperatures. Applied Microbiology and biotechnology, 93: 2633-2643. DOI 10.1007/s00253-011-3560-4.

28.  Roncato, C.D.L. and Cabral, A.R. (2012). Evaluation of methane oxidation efficiency of two biocovers: field and laboratory results. J. Env. Eng. (ASCE), 138(2): 164-173.

29.  Abdolahzadeh, A.M., Lacroix Vachon, B. and Cabral, A.R. (2011). Assessment of the Design of an Experimental Cover with Capillary Barrier Effect Using Four Years of Field Data. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 29 (5): 783-802. DOI 10.1007/s10706-011-9417-x

30.  Abdolahzadeh, A.M., Lacroix Vachon, B. and Cabral, A.R. (2011). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Cover with Capillary Barrier Effect to Control Infiltration into a Waste Disposal Facility. Canadian Geot. J., 48 (7): 996-1009. doi:10.1139/T11-017.

31.  Lafond, J. A., Allaire, S. E. # and Cabral, A. R. (2011). "Evaluation of methane oxidation in a landfill cover material using a simple indicator approach." International Journal of Environmental Engineering (IJEE), 3(3/4): 298-317.

32.  Parent, S-É., Abdolahzadeh, A.M., Nuth, M. and Cabral, A.R. (2011; online). Hydraulic conductivity and water retention curve of highly compressible materials: From a mechanistic approach through phenomenological models. Chapter in: Developments in Hydraulic Conductivity Research, Ed. Dikinya, O., InTech Open Access Publishers.

33.  Gebert, J. #, Röwer, I. U., Schraff, H. #, Roncato, C. D. L. and Cabral, A. R. (2011). “Can soil gas profiles be used to assess microbial CH4 oxidation in landfill covers?” Waste Management, 31(5): 987-994 (Special Issue: Landfill gas emission).

34.  Cabral, A. R., Capanema, M. A., Gebert, J. #, Moreira, J. F. and Jugnia, L. B. # (2010). "Quantifying microbial methane oxidation efficiencies in two experimental landfill biocovers using stable isotopes." Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 209: 157-172. (DOI 10.1007/s11270-009-0188-4).

35.  Cabral, A. R., Moreira, J. F. and Jugnia, L. B. # (2010). "Biocover Performance of Landfill Methane Oxidation: Experimental Results." J. Environ. Eng., vol. 136(8): 785-793.

  1. Marinho, F.A.M. #, Cabral, A.R., Teixeira, C.E. #, Teixeira, P.F. (2009). Resíduo do processo de reciclagem de papel como material alternativo para aplicações em geotecnia ambiental. Geotecnia Revista Luso-Brasileira de Geotecnia (in Portuguese), 115: 125-142.

37.  Ait-Benichou, S., Jugnia, L.-B., Greer#, C. W. and Cabral, A. R. (2009). "Methanotrophs and methanotrophic activity in engineered landfill biocovers." Waste Management 29(9): 2509-2517.

38.  Jugnia, L.-B. #, Ait-Benichou, S., Fortin, N., Cabral, A. R. and Greer, C. W. # (2009). "Diversity and dynamics of methanotrophs within an experimental landfill cover soil." Soil Science Society of America Journal 73(5): 1479-1487.

39.  Rannaud, D., Cabral, A.R. and Allaire, S. E.# (2009). "Modeling methane migration and oxidation in landfill cover materials with TOUGH2-LGM." Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 198(1-4): 253-267.

40.  Moreira, J. F., Cabral, A. R., Oliveira, R. and Silva, S. A. (2009). "Causal model to describe the variation of faecal coliform concentrations in a pilot-scale test consisting of ponds aligned in series." Ecological Engineering 35(5): 791-799.

41.  Allaire, S. E.#, Lafond, J. A., Cabral, A. R. and Lange, S. F. (2008). "Measurement of gas diffusion through soils: comparison of laboratory methods." J. Env. Monitoring 10: 1326-1336..

42.  Jugnia, L. B.#, Cabral, A.R., Greer, C.W. # (2008). Biotic methane oxidation within an instrumented experimental landfill cover. Ecological Engineering, 33(2): 102-109.

43.  Bussières, D. #, Allaire, S. #, Roy, D. #, Cabral, A.R., Larouche, R. #, Moreira, J.F., Ringuette, T. Lange, S.F., Falama, S., Lafond, J., Askri, M-A. (Mars 08). Évaluation comparée du dégagement de méthane sur un lieu d’enfouissement sanitaire. Vecteur Environnement 41(2): 52-56.

44.  Aït-Benichou, S., Cabral, A.R., Panarotto, C.T.# (2008). Evolution of Biodegradation of Deinking By-Products Used as Alternative Cover Material. Waste Management, 28 (1): 85-96.

45.  Parent, S.E., Cabral, A., Dell'Avanzi, E.#, and Zornberg, J.G.# 2007. Response to discussion of 'determination of the hydraulic conductivity function of a highly compressible material based on tests with saturated samples' by Parent, S.-E., Cabral, A., Dell'Avanzi, E., and Zornberg, J.G. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 30(3): 242-243.

46.  Parent, S.E., Cabral, A.R. and Zornberg, J.G.# (2007).  Water retention curve and hydraulic conduc­tivity function of highly compressible materials. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 44: 1200-1214.

47.  Parent, S-É and Cabral, A.R. (2006). Design of inclined covers with capillary barrier effect. Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 24:689-710.

48.  Hutchinson, M. et Cabral, A.R. (2005). Analyse de la perception des résidents de multilogements à Montréal en vue d’augmenter leur participation à la collecte sélective. Vecteur Environnement, septembre 2005, 44-56.

49.  Panarotto, C.T. #, Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G. (2005). Environmental, geotechnical and hydraulic behaviour of a Cellulose-rich By-product Used as Alternative Cover Material. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, vol. 4, 123-138.

50.  Burnotte, F., Cabral, A.R., and Lefebvre, G. (2005). A Simple Field Method to Qualify the State of Saturation in Capillary Barriers. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 28(6): 605-609.

51.  Parent, S-É, Cabral, A.R., Dell’Avanzi, E.# and Zornberg, J.G.# (2004). Determination of the Hydraulic conductivity Function of a Highly Compressible Material Based on Tests with Saturated Samples. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 27(6): 614-618.

52.  Markewitz, K., G. Lefebvre, Cabral, A.R. and Panarotto, C.T.# (2004). Anaerobic biodegra­da­tion of an organic by-product leachate by interaction with different mine tailings. J. Haz.  Mat., 110(1-3): 93-104.

53.  Zornberg, J.G.#, Cabral, A.R. and Viratjandr, C. (2004). Behaviour of tire shred-sand mixtures for use as backfill material. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 41(2): 227-241.

54.  Cabral, A.R., Planchet, L, Marinho, F.A.#, Lefebvre, G. (2004). Determination of the soil water characteristic curve of compressible materials: case study of deinking residues. ASTM Geot. Testing Journal, 27(2) : 154-162.

55.  Cabral, A.R., Tremblay, P. and Lefebvre, G. (2004). Determination of the Diffusion Coefficient of Oxygen for a Cover System Composed of Pulp and Paper Residues. ASTM Geot. Testing Journal, 27(2): 184-197.

56.  Zornberg, J.G.#, Cabral, A.R. and Viratjandr, C. (2004). Behaviour of tire shred-sand mixtures for use as backfill material. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 41(2): 227-241.

57.  Cabral, A.R., Tremblay, P. and Lefebvre, G. (2004). Determination of the Diffusion Coefficient of Oxygen for a Cover System Composed of Pulp and Paper Residues. ASTM Geot. Testing Journal, 27(2): 184-197.

58.  Dell’Avanzi, E.#, Zornberg, J.G.#, and Cabral, A.R. (2004). Suction Profiles and Scale Factors for Unsaturated Flow under Increased Gravitational Field. Soils and Foundations, 44 (3): 79-90.

59.  Cabral, A.R., Racine, I., Burnotte, F. et Lefebvre, G. (2000) "Diffusion of oxygen through a pulp and paper residue barrier", Revue canadienne de géotechnique, vol. 37 : 201-217.

60.  Cabral, A.R., Demers, L. and Ciubotariu, R§. (2000) "Potential Contaminant Migration at a Contaminated Soils Landfill Site in Quebec", ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication Advances in Transportation and Geoenvironmental Systems Using Geosynthetics. Denver, Colorado, Aug. 6-12.

61.  Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G., Burnotte, F., Panarotto, C.T.#,  Pastore, E.L.# (2000) "Uso de resíduos do processo de reciclagem de papel como  material de recobrimento alternativo de aterros sanitários e de rejeitos  de mineração geradores de drenagem ácida", O PAPEL,  Jun. 2000, 61(6) : 74-82.

62.  Cabral, A.R., Burnotte, F. et Lefebvre, G. (1999) "Application of TDR technology to water content monitoring of capillary barriers made of pulp and paper residues", Geotech Testing J., 22 : 39-43.

63.  Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G.  (1999). "Use of selective sequential extraction technique as a tool in the study of HM retention and release by soils with low clay contents", W, Air & Soil Poll., 102: 329-344.

64.  Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G. et Demers, L.* (1997). Conditions actuelles de l’enfouissement de déchets solides au Québec. Vecteur Environnement, octobre 1997. p. 31-38.

65.  Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, L. and Collette, P. (1995) Preliminary evaluation of the influence of surfactant injection on the mechanical behaviour of a compacted till, Revue can. de géotechn., 32 (3): p. 539-544.



Articles soumis récemment 




Articles dans des conférences avec comité de lecture


  1. Cabral, A.R., Simard, V., Duarte Neto, M.O., and Lacombe#, G. (2019). Design, construction and monitoring of large-scale lysimeters to assess seepage through experimental final cover designs. In 17th Intern. Waste Management and Landfill Symposium Sta Margarita di Pula, Sardinia, Italy, 30 Sept-4 Oct 2019. Edited by R. Cossu. Cisa Publisher.
  2. Ahoughalandari, B. and Cabral, A.R. (2017). A new design criterion to consider biogas flow behavior in performance evaluations of passive methane oxidation biosystems. In 16th International Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2013). Ed. Cossu et al., Sta. M. di Pula, Italy. 2-6 Oct. 2017, CISA, CD-ROM. Paper 547.
  3. Fedrizzi, F., Finotti, A.R., Soares, S.R., and Cabral, A.R. (2017). Characterization of insular sewage sludge stabilization by liming and thermal treatment. In 16th International Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2017). Ed. Cossu et al., Sta. M. di Pula, Italy. 2-6 Oct. 2017, CISA, CD-ROM. Paper 371.
  4. Ahoughalandari, B., Cabral, A.R. and Leroueil, S. (2015). Assessment of biogas distribution at the base of passive methane oxidation biosystems. In XV Panamerican Conf. Soil Mech. and Geotech. Eng. Edited by A.O. Sfriso. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15-18 Nov. 2015, Flash Memory.
  5. Demers Bonin, M., Dagenais, A.M., Nuth, M. and Cabral, A.R. (2015). Thickened tailings deposition modeling using a large strain consolidation model. In GeoQuébec 2015, 68th Canadian Geotech. Conf. Quebec City. 20-23 Sept., Can. Geotech Soc., Flash Memory.

6.     Tétreault, P., Cabral, A.R. and Abdolahzadeh, A.M. (2013). Non-uniform distribution of biogas under a biocover due to capillary barrier effect: case studies. In 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference - GeoMontreal 2013. Edited by C.G. Society. Montreal, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Paper 184.

7.     Demers Bonin, M., Nuth, M., Cabral, A.R. and Dagenais, A.-M. (2013). Self-weight consolidation behavior of thickened gold mine tailings. In 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference - GeoMontreal 2013. Edited by C.G. Society. Montreal, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Paper 347.

8.     Capanema, M.A., Ndanga, E., Lakhouit, A. and Cabral, A.R. (2013) Methane oxidation efficiencies of a 6-year-old experimental landfill biocover. In 14th International Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2013). Ed. Cossu et al., Sta. M. di Pula, Italy. 30 Sept-4 Oct., CISA, CD-ROM. Paper 209.

9.     Ndanga, E., Cabral, A.R., Bradley, R. And T. R. Johnson (2013).  Potential effect of vegetation on methane oxidation efficiency of biocovers: laboratory and field experiments. In 14th International Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2013). Ed. Cossu et al., Sta. M. di Pula, Italy. 30 Sept-4 Oct., CISA, CD-ROM. Paper 214.

10.  Lakhouit, A., Cabral, A. R. and Cabana, H. (2012). Reduction of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions by experimental passive biocovers: The fate of toluene as a model VOC. Proc. Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2012, Vol 1: 829-838. CSCE 2012, Edmonton, Alberta, June 6-9, 2012.

11.  Roncato, C.D.L., Capanema, M.A. and Cabral, A.R. (2011). Evaluating methane oxidation efficiencies of soils contaminated with heavy metals. In 13th International Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2011). Ed. Cossu et al., Sta. M. di Pula, Italy. 3-7 Oct., CISA, CD-ROM, Paper 344.

12.  Capanema, M.A., Cabral, A.R., Cabana, H. and Massé, D. # (2011). Evaluating odour reduction emissions from an experimental landfill biocover. In 13th International Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2011). Edited by Cossu et al. Santa-Marguerita di Pula. 3-7 October 2011, CISA, CD-Rom, Paper 338.

13.  Létourneau, M., Cabral, A.R. and Johnson, T. § (2011). Evaluation of candidate materials for the construction of a biocover. In 13th International Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2011). Edited by Cossu et al. Sta. M. di Pula, Italy. 3-7 Oct., CISA, CD-ROM, Paper 346.

14.  Cabral, A.R., Létourneau, M., Yanful#, E., Song, Q., McCartney, J.S. # and Parks, J. (2010). Geotechnical Issues in the Design and Construction of PMOBs. Proc. UNSAT 2010. Barcelona, 6-8 Sept. CD-Rom.

15.  Roncato, C. D., Létourneau, M. and Cabral, A. R. (2010). Comparison between Field and Laboratory Methane Oxidation Rates. GeoFlorida 2010, West Palm Beach, FL, ASCE, GeoInstitute.

16.  Abdolahzadeh, A. M., Cabral, A. R., Lafond, J. and Allaire, S. (2010). Hydraulic Aspects of the Design of a Passive Methane Oxidation Biocover. GeoFlorida 2010, West Palm Beach, FL, ASCE, GeoInstitute.

17.  Jugnia LB. #, Ait-Benichou S., Cabral A. Greer C.W. # (2007). Microbial dynamics of methanotrophic activity and diversity within passive methane oxidation barriers. 57th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists, June 17- 20, 2007, Quebec, Canada.

18.  Cabral, A.R., Arteaga, K., Rannaud, D., Aït-Benichou, S., Pouët, M-F., Allaire, S. #, Jugnia, L.# and Greer, C. # (2007; accepted). Analysis of methane oxidation and dynamics of méthanotrophes within a passive methane oxidation barrier. Proc. 11th Intern. Waste Mgmt and Landfill Symp., CD-Rom, Cagliari, 1-5 Oct. 2007.

19.  Cabral, A.R., El Ghabi, B., Parent, S-É. and Marineau, L. § (2007). Design and performance of an experimental double capillary barrier cover placed in a municipal solid waste landfill. Proc. 11th Intern. Waste Mgmt and Landfill Symp., CD-Rom, Cagliari, 1-5 Oct. 2007.

20.  Allaire, S. #, Lafond, J. and Cabral, A.R. (2007). Measuring gas diffusion in landfill cover material. Proc. 11th Intern. Waste Mgmt and Landfill Symp., CD-Rom, Cagliari, 1-5 Oct. 2007.

21.  Parent, S-É, Cabral, A.R., Gras, G. and Marinho, F.M. (2006). Design and Installation of Zero-Tension Lysimeters in an Inclined Cover. UNSAT ’06, April 2-5, 2006, Carefree, Arizona, Vol I: 625-633.

22.  Parent, S.E. and Cabral, A.R. (2005). Material selection for the design of inclined covers with capillary barrier effect. Geofrontiers 2005, Jan. 24-26, Austin, TX, CD-Rom.

23.  Parent, S.E. and Cabral, A.R. (2004). Procedure for the design of inclined covers with capillary barrier effect. Proc. 57th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Québec, October 24-28. CD-Rom.

24.  Cabral, A.R., Cormier, M., et Conraud, T. (2004). Sondagem sobre a percepção da população sobre a gestão de matérias residuais em Sherbrooke utilisando a  Análise da Percepção Categorial (APC). ICTR 2004 - Congresso Bras. e Ciência e Tecnologia em Resíduos  e Desenvolvimento Sustentável & NISAM 2004 - Ciclo de Conferências sobre Política e Gestão Ambiental, 17-20 Octobre, Florianópolis, Brésil.

25.  Markewitz, K., G. Lefebvre, Cabral, A.R. and Panarotto, C.T.# (2002). Biodegradation of deinking residues leachate by interaction with different mine tailings. Proc. 4th Int. Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11-15 Aug. 2002, p. 703-708.

26.  Cabral, A.R., Burnotte, F., Lefebvre, G. and Panarotto, C.T. # (2002). Geotechnical characterization of a pulp and paper residue to be used as alternative cover material to landfill and to acid generating tailings. Proc. 4th Int. Cong. on Environ. Geotech., R. Janeiro, Brazil, 11-15 Aug. 2002, p. 207-211.

27.  Marinho, F.A.M.#, Teixeira, P.F., Vieira, A.M. and Cabral, A.R. (2002). Geotechnical Properties of a Paper Mill Sludge from Brazil. Proc. 4th Int. Cong. on Environmental Geotechnics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11-15 Aug. 2002, p. 15-20.

28.  Burnotte, F., Lefebvre, G., Cabral, A.R., Audet, C.§, and Veilleux, A.§ (2000). Use of deinking residues for the final cover of a MSW landfill. Comptes rendus de la 53e Conf. canadienne de géotechnique. Montréal, oct. 2000, vol 1: 585-591.

29.  Chartier, R., Cabral, A.R., Goulet, O.§, Lefebvre, G. (2000). Étude d’un lieu d’enfouissement sanitaire de l’Estrie, Québec. Comptes rendus de la 1ère Conf. spécialisée AIH-CNC et SCG sur l’eau souterraine. Montréal, Oct. 2000, p. 221-226. 

30.  Panarotto, C.T. #, Robart, G., Cabral, A.R., Chartier, R., Lefebvre, G. (1999) "Using deinking residues in cover sys­tems", Proc. 7th Intern. Waste Mgmt and Landfill Symp., Vol. III: 357-364, Cagliari, 4-8 Oct. 1999.

31.  Demers, L., Cabral, L., Ciubotariu, R.§ (1999) "Groundwater and contaminant migration modelling at a contaminated soil landfill site in Quebec, Canada", Proc. 7th Intern. Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, 4-8 October 1999.

32.  Cabral, A.R., Burnotte, F., Lefebvre, G., Amyot, G.§, Lacasse, G.§ (1999) "Design Construction and monitoring of a waste rock cover using pulp and paper residues", Proc. Symposium on Tailings and Mine Wastes '99. p. 405-415, Fort Collins, Colorado, January 1999.

33.  Borma, L. S.#, Ehrlich, M.#, Barbosa, M-C.#, Cabral, A.R. (1998) "Land disposal of dredged iron-sulfide rich sediments", Proc. of the 3rd International Congress on Environ. Geotech., vol. 2, pp. 479-484.

34.  Yong, R.N. et Cabral, A.R. (1995). Laboratory Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity for an Initially Unsaturated Sand-Bentonite Barrier Material. Comptes rendus de la First International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Vol. 2, p. : 579-584, Paris, 1995.


Articles dans des comptes rendus de conférences


1.     Ndanga. É.M. Bradley, R.L. and Cabral, A.R. (2014). Use of Root Biomass in the Assessment of the Performance of Passive Methane Oxidation Biosystems, 8th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2014, Crystal River, FL, USA. Abstract, oral presentation and poster.

2.     Capanema, M.A. and Cabral, A.R. (2012). Drawbacks in the Evaluation of Methane Oxidation Efficiencies Using Carbon Stable Isotopes. 7th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2012, Luleå, Sweden. Abstract, oral presentation and poster.

3.     Cabral, A.R., Tétrault, P. and Abdolahzadeh, A.M. (2012). Capillary barriers and uniform biogas distribution in biocovers. 7th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2012, Luleå, Sweden. Abstract, oral presentation and poster.

4.     Ndanga, É.M., Jugnia, L.B. #, Johnson, T. § and Cabral, A.R. (2012). Influence of vegetation type on microbial oxidation of methane in landfill cover soils. 7th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2012, Luleå, Sweden. Abstract, oral presentation and poster.

5.     Kjeld, A., Cabral, A.R., Gústafsson, L.E., Andradóttir, H.Ó. and Bjarnadóttir, H.J. (2012). Reducing methane emissions from Icelandic landfills by use of passive oxidizing biocovers. 7th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2012, Luleå, Sweden. Abstract, oral presentation and poster.

6.     Roncato, C.D., Létourneau, Capanema, M.A., M., Cabral, A.R. (2010). Comparison of two methods using chambers to measure surface emissions. 6th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2010, Hokkaido, Japan. CD-ROM.

7.     Létourneau, M., Roncato, C. D., Cabral, A.R. (2010). Performance of candidate materials to be employed as substrate in passive methane oxidation biocovers. 6th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2010, Hokkaido, Japan. CD-ROM.

8.     Capanema, M.A., Cabana, H. #; Cabral, A.R. and Massé, D.I. # (2010). Reduction in emissions of reduced sulfur compounds from an experimental biocover coupled with reduction of odour. 6th Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium 2010, Hokkaido, Japan. CD-ROM.

9.     Cabral, A.R., Moreira, J.F., Askri, M-A., and Jugnia, L.B.# (2008). Engineering Landfill Covers for Methane Oxidation: Lessons Learned. Proc. of the Global Waste Management Symposium (jointly with 5th ICLRS). Copper Mountain, CO, Sept. 7-10 (ICLRS Sept 11-12).

10.  Abdolahdzadeh, A.M., Vachon, B.L., Cabral, A.R. (2008). Hydraulic barrier and its impact on the performance of cover with double capillary barrier effect. Proc. 61st Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Sept. 21-24, Edmonton. CD-Rom.

11.  Teixeira, P.F., Liotti, R.G., Torves, J.C., Finottti, A.R., Cabral, A.R., Vazoller#, R.F., Teixeira, C.E. #, Marinho, F.A.M. # (2007). Processo d’oxidação do metano através das bactérias metanotróficas em coberturas de aterros sanitários. Proc. VI Simp. Brasileiro de Solos Não Saturados, Nov. 1-3, Salvador, Brazil.

12.  Rannaud, D., Cabral, A.R., Allaire, S. #, Lefebvre, R. # et Nastev, M. # (2007, accepté). Migration d’oxygène et oxidation du methane dans les barriers d’oxydation passive installées dans les sites d’enfouissement. Comptes rendus de la 60e Conférence géotechnique canadienne, Ottawa, 21-24 Oct, 2007.

13.  Lacroix Vachon, B., El-Ghabi, B. et Cabral, A.R. (2007). Évaluation préliminaire de l’efficacité du recouvrement avec double effet de barrière capillaire installé au site de St-Tite-des-Caps, Qc. Comptes rendus de la 60e Conférence géotechnique canadienne, Ottawa, 21-24 Oct, 2007.

14.  Cabral, A.R., Parent, S-É. and El Ghabi, B. (2007). Hydraulic Aspects of the design of a passive methane oxidation barrier (PMOB). Proceedings of the 2nd BOKU Waste Conference, P. Lechner (ed), Vienna, April  16-19 2007, 223-230.

15.  Audet, C.§, Lefebvre, G., Cabral, A.R., Burnotte, F. 2002 "State of development in the valorization of deinking by-products as an alternative to fine grained soils ", Proc. TAPPI 2002; Montréal, mars 02.

16.  Cabral, A.R., Burnotte, F.,  Lefebvre, G. 2000 "Comportement de la couverture de résidus de désencrage au site minier Clinton", Colloque NEDEM 2000. Sherbrooke, 3-5 octobre 2000.

17.  Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G., Burnotte, F., Panarotto, C.T.#, Pastore, E.L.# (1999) "Use of pulp and paper residues as an alternative cover material to landfill and to acid generating tailings", Proc. Segundo Sem. de Meio Ambiente em Industrias de Processo. São Paulo, 29-30 juin 1999. p. 56-70.

18.  Panarotto, C.T.#, Cabral, A.R., Burnotte, F., Pastore, E.L.# et Lefebvre, G. (1999) "Utilisation des résidus de désencrage du papier comme recouvrement pour le contrôle du DMA : capacité de neutralisation de l’acidité résiduelle", Actes du congrès APGGQ ’99. Rouyn-Noranda, 15-16 avril  1999, p. 31-44. Invité.

19.  Cabral, A.R., Burnotte, F., Lefebvre, G., Amyot§, G., Lacasse, G. §  (1999). Design Construction and monitoring of a waste rock cover using pulp and paper residues. Proc. Symposium on Tailings and Mine Wastes '99. Fort Collins, Colorado, January 1999.

20.  Chartier, R., Demers, L. et Cabral, A.R. (1999). Potentiel de contamination d’un site d’enfouissement : relations entre les composantes des cellules d’enfouissement et le contexte hydrogéologique régional. In : Conception des LES à l’aube de l’an 2000, éd. EnvirAqua. Americana ’99, Montréal, 23-26 mars 1999.

21.  Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G., Burnotte, Proulx, M-F., Racine, I. et Audet, C. § (1998). Developments in the use of deinking residues in cover systems for acid generating mine tailings. Proc. Symposium on Tailings and Mine Wastes '98. Fort Collins, Colorado, January 1998.

22.  Pastore, E.L.#, Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G., Audet, C. § (1998). Uso de resíduos de reciclagem de papel na prevenção e atenuação de Drenagem Mineira Ácida. XI Cong. Brasileiro de Mecanica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotecnica - Brasilia - DF, 1998. Vol. III, p. : 1861-1867.

23.  Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G., Proulx, M-F., Audet, C.§, Labbé, M. § et Michaud, C. § (1997). Use of deinking residues as cover material in the prevention of AMD generation at an abandoned mine site. Proc. Symposium Acid Rock Drainage ’97. Vancouver, 31 mai au 6 juin 1997. p. 1109-1123.

24.  Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G., Proulx, M-F., Audet, C. § et Labbé, M.§ (1997). Use of Pulp & Paper residues as cover material in the prevention of AMD generation. Proc. Symposium on Tailings and Mine Wastes '97. Fort Collins, Colorado, January 1997.

25.  Montgrain, F.C. and Cabral, A.R. (1997). Migration of a contaminant through three landfill liner scenarios. Proc. 25th CSCE Annual Conf., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, May 28-30, Vol. 5, pp. 163-172.

26.  Cabral, A. R., Viau, R. et Bédard, D. (1997). Situated learning and motivation strategies to improve cognitive learning in Civil Engineering. Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Conference, ASEE, Milwaukee, June 15-18 (CD-ROM).

27.  Lefebvre, G., Cabral, A.R., Audet, C. § et Labbé, M. § (1997) Propriétés géotechniques des résidus de désencrage. Americana ’97, Montréal, 18 au 21 mars 1997.

28.  Cabral, A.R., Lefebvre, G., Proulx, M-F., Robart, G., Audet, C.§ et Labbé, M. § (1996) Utilisation des résidus de desencrage comme matériaux de recouvrement aux sites miniers produisant du DMA, communication présentée à l'atelier NEDEM "Barrière de recouvrement pour rejets miniers générateurs d'eaux acides", Rouyn-Noranda, octobre 1996.

29.  Lefebvre, G. et Cabral, A.R. (1996). Propriétés géotechniques des résidus de désencrage en vue de leur utilisation dans différents recouvrements. Article préparé pour présentation dans un colloque interne de la compagnie Cascades inc., portant sur l'environnement.

30.  Cabral, A.R. et Yong, R.N. (1993)- Mobility and Retention of Pb and Zn in Sand/Bentonite. Comptes rendus. Conf. nationale conjointe de la SCGC-ASCE sur le génie environnemental, Montréal, juillet 1993, vol. 2, pp. 1135-1144.

31.  Yong, R.N. et Cabral, A.R. (1992). A Clay-Heavy Metal Compatibility Analysis Using Permeability Testing. Comptes rendus 45e Conférence Canadienne de géotechnique. Toronto, octobre 1992, paper 76.