Bienvenue à la section Géotechnique et géoenvironnement


Guy Lefebvre, ing., D.Sc.
Professeur titulaire

Liste des publications

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Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture (2000 - ...)

KARRAY, M., LEFEBVRE G. (2008 in press) "Significance and evaluation of Poisson's ratio in Rayleigh wave testing", Revue canadienne de géotechnique.

PANAROTTO, C.T., CABRAL, A.R., LEFEBVRE, G. (2005). "Environmental, geotechnical and hydraulic behaviour of a Cellulose-rich By-product Used as Alternative Cover Material", Journal of Environ­mental Engineering and Science, vol. 4, 123-138.

BURNOTTE, F., CABRAL, A.R., LEFEBVRE, G. (2005). "A Simple Field Method to Qualify the State of Saturation in Capillary Barriers",  ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 28(6): 605-609.

BURNOTTE, F., LEFEBVRE, G., GRONDIN, G. (2004) "A case record of electroosmotic consolidation of soft clay with improved soil-electrode contact" Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 41, no 6, 1038-1053.

MARKEWITZ, K., G. LEFEBVRE, CABRAL, A.R. AND PANAROTTO, C.T. (2004) "Anaerobic biodegra­da­tion of an organic by-product leachate by interaction with different mine tailings", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 110 (1-3): 93-104.

CABRAL, A.R., PLANCHET, L, MARINHO, F.A., LEFEBVRE, G. (2004) "Determination of the soil water characteristic curve of compressible materials: case study of deinking residues", ASTM Geot. Testing Journal, 27(2) : 154-162.

CABRAL, A.R., TREMBLAY, P., LEFEBVRE, G. (2004) "Determination of the Diffusion Coefficient of Oxygen for a Cover System Composed of Pulp and Paper Residues," ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 27(2): 184-197.

LEFEBVRE, G., BURNOTTE, F. (2002) "Improvement of electro-osmotic consolidation of soft clays by minimizing power loss at electrodes",  Revue can. de Géotechnique, vol. 39, no 2,  399-408.

RAHHAL, M.E., LEFEBVRE, G., (2001) "Understanding the effect of a static driving shear stress on the liquefac­tion resistance of medium dense granular soils", Soils Dynamics and Earthquake Eng., Vol. 20,  397-404.

CABRAL, A.R., RACINE, I., BURNOTTE, F., LEFEBVRE, G. (2000) "Diffusion of oxygen through a pulp and paper residue barrier",  Revue canadienne de géotechnique, Vol. 37 : 201-217.


Articles dans des comptes rendus de conférence avec comité de lecture

LEFEBVRE, G., KARRAY, M., ETHIER, Y., BIGRAS, A., GAGNÉ, B., (2006) "Control of deep compaction using surface wave testing for the peribonka dam foundation", Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne des barrages (ACB), octobre 2006, Québec, Canada.

GRESS, J.-C., LEFEBVRE, G., KARRAY, M. FAURE, R-M. (2005) "Detection of underground cavities from ground surface using Rayleigh waves", International Symposium Géoline, Lyon (France) May 23rd to May 25th, Lyon, France, 9 p.

FAURE, R-M, LEFEBVRE, G., KARRAY, M., CHATENOUD, G., HÉMOND, G. (2005)  "Investigation of tunnel liners using surface wave", International Symposium Géoline, Lyon (France) May 23rd to May 25th, Lyon, France, 9 p.

LEFEBVRE, G., KARRAY, M. (2004) "Non intrusive investigation in geotechnical engineering", Comptes rendus du 57e Congrès canadien de géotechnique, SCG/AIH-CNN, Section «Est du Québec» dans le cadre de la "Hardy Lecture",  11 p.

HAMMAMJI, Y., VANNOBEL, P., TOURNIER, J.P., PICHÉ, R., LEFEBVRE, G., KARRAY, M. (2004) "Ouiqui dyke characterization and rehabilitation",  Proceedings ISC-2 on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Character­isation, Viana de Fonseca & Maynen (eds.), Porto, Portugal, 19-22 Septembre 2004, vol. 2,  1111-1118.

KARRAY, M., LEFEBVRE, G. FAURE, R.M. (2004) "Results of surface waves testing in the investigation of the Mont-Blanc tunnel after the 1999 fire" Proceedings ISC-2 on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation, Viana de Fonseca & Maynen (eds.), Porto, Portugal, 19-22 Septembre 2004, vol. 2,  1481-1487.

RAHHAL, M.E., LEFEBVRE, G. (2003) "Elasto-Plastic Hujeux Modeling of Medium Dense Granular Soils Experimental Behavior", Proceedings 12th Pan American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, and 39th US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, USA, Vol. 1, 1199-1204.

BURNOTTE, F., LEFEBVRE, G. (2002)  "Impact of improved electro-osmotic consolidation on clay properties and induced suction",  55th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Niagara Falls, October 20-23.

HÉROUX, M., MARRON, J,-C., BRUNELLE, J.-R., LEFEBVRE, G. (2002) "Utilisation de sous-produits de désencrage du papier comme composante imperméable du recouvrement final au lieux d'enfouissement sanitaire de la ville de Montréal", 55th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Niagara Falls, October 20-23.

MARKEWITZ, K., G. LEFEBVRE, CABRAL, A.R. AND PANAROTTO, C.T. (2002) "Biodegradation of deinking residues leachate by interaction with different mine tailings", Proc. 4th Int. Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11-15 Aug. 2002,  703-708.

CABRAL, A.R., BURNOTTE, F., LEFEBVRE, G. AND PANAROTTO, C.T. (2002). Geotechnical characterization of a pulp and paper residue to be used as alternative cover material to landfill and to acid generating tailings. Proc. 4th Int. Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, R. Janeiro, Brazil, 11-15 Aug. 2002, 207-211.

KARRAY, M., LEFEBVRE, G., ET TOUILEB, B. (2001) "A procedure to compare the results of dynamic and pseudostatic slope stability analysis", Comptes rendus de la 54e Conférence canadienne de géotechnique, Calgary, 16-19 septembre 2001.

KARRAY, M., LEFEBVRE, G.  (2000) "Identification and isolation of multiple modes in Rayleigh waves testing Methods" , Geo Denver 2000, ASCE Proceed. "Use of Geophysical Methods in Construction", 80-94.

BURNOTTE, F., LEFEBVRE, G., DERMOUNE, A. (2000) "Electro-osmotic consolidation of soft clays – Analysis of power loss at electrodes". Comptes rendus de la 53e Conférence canadienne de géotechnique, Montréal, 15-18 octobre, 1277-1284.

BURNOTTE, F. LEFEBVRE, G., CABRAL, A., AUDET, C., VEILLEUX, A. (2000)  "Use of deinking residues for the final cover of a MSW landfill", Comptes rendus de la 53e Conférence canadienne de géotech­nique, Montréal, 15-18 octobre, Vol. 1, 585-591.

BEAULIEU, J.-F., LEFEBVRE, G.  (2000) "Numerical modelling as a tool for the analysis ofelectrokinetic decon­tam­ina­tion tests of heavy metal polluted soils". Comptes rendus de la 53e Conférence canadienne de géotech­nique, Montréal, 15-18 octobre, 553-560.

CHARTIER, R., CABRAL, A., GOULET, O., LEFEBVRE, G. (2000) "Étude d'un lieu d'enfouissement sanitaire de l'Estrie, Québec", Comptes rendus de la 1ère Conférence conjointe AIH-CNC et SCG sur l'eau souterraine,  Montréal, 15-18 octobre 221-226.

CABRAL, A.R., LEFEBVRE, G., BURNOTTE, F., PANAROTTO, C.T., PASTORE, E.L. (2000) "Uso de residuos do processo de reciclagem de papel como material de recobrimento alternativo de aterros sanitarios e de rejeitos de mineraçao geradores de drenagem acida", O PAPEL, Sao Paulo, V. 61, no 6,  74-82, juin 2000.

Articles dans des comptes rendus de conférences (2000 - ...)

BURNOTTE, F., LEFEBVRE, G. (2002) "L'électro-osmose met fin au tassement de remblais routiers dans la plaine du St-Laurent", 70e congrès de l'ACFAS (Association canadienne française pour l'avancement des sciences), Québec, 13-17 mai.

AUDET, C., LEFEBVRE, G., CABRAL, A.R., BURNOTTE, F. (2002) "State of development in the valorization of deinking by-products as an alternative to fine grained soils in the building cover systems", 2002 TAPPI International Environmental Conference and Exhibit, Montreal, April 6-10.

LEFEBVRE, G. (2000) "Cover system for sanitary landfills: Trends for changes and geotechnical challenges.  conférencier invité, Séminaire Aspectos Geotécnicos Do Projecto E construçao De Aterros De Residuos, Lisbonne, 15 décembre 2000.

CABRAL, A.R., BURNOTTE, F., LEFEBVRE, G. (2000) Comportement de la couverture de résidus de désencrage au site miniter Clinton, Colloque NEDEM, Sherbrooke, 3-5 octobre 2000.


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